Internal Workshops

ELIC has organized a first ELN workshop on a major cross-sectional scientific issue for the different disease related workpackages: Quality of Life and Late Effects in Hematolgocial Malignancies (Feb 2010). The idea of the workshop was to inform about current and planned activities in the ELN and to improve collaboration and initiate joint projects.



Quality of Life in CML patients - Projects of the German CML Study Group
Dr. Ute Kossak, Dr. Susanne Saußele
Second malignancies in CML treated with tyrosine kinase inhibitors in the Czech Republic and Slovakia
Voglová J., Mužík J., Faber E., Žáčková D., Klamová H., Doubek M., Steinerová K., Michalovičová Z., Demitrovičová L., Cmunt E., Nováková E., Tóthová E., Mayer J., Indrák K.


Quality of Life in Myelodysplasticsyndrome Patients:What have we learned so far?
Fabio Efficace, PhD
Home versus Hospital Chemotherapy in MDS or MM : Preliminary results on QoL
Prof. Odile BEYNE-RAUZY, MD, PhD