
  1. Berger U, Maywald O, Pfirrmann M, Lahaye T, Hochhaus A, Reiter A, Hasford J, Heimpel H, Hossfeld DK, Kolb H-J, Löffler H, Pralle H, Queisser W, Hehlmann R and the German CML-Study Group: Gender aspects in chronic myeloid leukaemia: long-term results from randomized studies
    Leukemia 2005; 19: 984-989
    Subjects: CML
  2. Hasford J: Common Treatment Arm and Uniform Protocol Standards. A New Multicenter Trial Design
    Clin Trials 2005; 2: S67
    Subjects: Epidemiology
  3. Hasford J, Pfirrmann M, Hochhaus A: How long will chronic myeloid leukaemia patients treated with imatinib mesylate live?
    Leukemia 2005; 19: 497-499
    Subjects: Epidemiology
  4. Hasford J, Pfirrmann M, Shepherd P, Guilhot J, Hehlmann R, Mahon FX, Kluin-Nelemans HC, Ohnishi K, Steegmann JL, Thaler J: The impact of the combination of baseline risk group and cytogenetic response on the survival of patients with chronic myeloid leukaemia treated with interferon-alpha
    Haematologica 2005; 90: 335-340
    Subjects: Epidemiology
  5. Pfirrmann M, Hasford J.: A simulation study using validated prognostic factors to assess expected long-term survival
    Methods of Information in Medicine 2005; 44: 577-583
    Subjects: Epidemiology
  6. Pfirrmann M, Hasford J: A prognostic score including the time-dependent variable cytogenetic remission for risk-stratified comparison of survival between imatinib-treated patients and historical control data on IFN-treatment
    Haematologica / the hematology journal 2005; 90, Suppl. 2: 43
    Subjects: Epidemiology