Standards and SOPs of Project 6: Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia (ALL)
Recommendations of the European Working Group for Adult ALL (EWALL) - now available
Authors: Nicola Gökbuget, Renato Bassan, Hervé Dombret, Michael Doubek, Adele K. Fielding, Robin Foà, Sebastian Giebel, Dieter Hoelzer, Giovanni Martinelli, Giovanna Meloni, Andrea Delia Moicean, Oliver Ottmann, Pier Paolo Piccaluga, Josep Maria Ribera, Philippe Rousselot, Jan Walewski
Acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) is a malignant disease of lymphatic cells in the bone marrow or other organs of the lymphoid system with a number of unique features. Cure rates were improved in the past decade first in children and later in adults from less than 10 % to 40-50 % and even >50 % in distinct subgroups. Important progress was also achieved in basic research, particularly in molecular genetics. The progress in terms of diagnosis and treatment of ALL has stemmed mainly from systematic clinical research by a number of cooperative study groups. It is based on optimisation of chemotherapy, stem cell transplantation, supportive care integrated in risk adapted treatment strategies and more recently complemented by approaches for targeted therapy.
EWALL recommendations
The book Recommendations of the European Working Group for Adult ALL gives an overview on the current strategies for management of adult ALL including approaches to rare entities and specific situations. It represents the result of a structured consensus process conducted by the members of the European Working Group for Adult ALL.

Patient information
In January 2007, the European Working group for Adult Lymphoblasitc Leukemia (EWALL), authored a comprehensive patient information on ALL.
All EWALL members are leading scientists of European study groups, working in the field of acute lymphoblastic leukemia. So this patient information provides reliable and high-quality information for patient and relatives.
Translation of the patient information in several European languages has been performed by „volunteers“ of the network:
German - Nicola Gökbuget ELIC
Polish - Sebastian Giebel
Italian - Pier Paolo Piccaluga
Romanian - Andrea Moicean
Spanish - Josep Ribera
French - Andre Delannoy
Czech - Cyril Šálek